Warning in /classes/Locale.php setCurrentLocale: Unable to setlocale() to parameter: en_US. I tried en_US.UTF-8, en_US, en.UTF-8, en, and got return value: , current locale is: LC_CTYPE=fr_FR.UTF-8;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=C;LC_COLLATE=C;LC_MONETARY=C;LC_MESSAGES=C;LC_PAPER=C;LC_NAME=C;LC_ADDRESS=C;LC_TELEPHONE=C;LC_MEASUREMENT=C;LC_IDENTIFICATION=C
LesOrresSansFil authentication server
116 bornes déployées
[113 en marche]
8 utilisateurs en ligne
dont sur cette borne.
Plus de 194 528 inscrits.
La communauté :

The LesOrresSansFil network currently has 124541 valid users. 8 users are currently online.
This network currently has 116 deployed hotspots. 113 hotspots are currently operational.