Le noeud avec GATEWAY_ID: ArollesB_1 ne peut être trouvé dans la base de données !
You didn't log-in or your session timed-out. Please login to try this operation again.
Some (possibly all) of the following permission(s) you don't have are required to perform the operation your requested:
NETWORK_PERM_EDIT_ANY_NODE_CONFIG (User is allowed to edit any configuration of any node on the network) sur Network: Tous
NODE_PERM_EDIT_GATEWAY_ID (User is allowed to change the gateway id of this node) sur Node: Tous
NETWORK_PERM_EDIT_ANY_NODE_CONFIG (User is allowed to edit any configuration of any node on the network) sur Network: Tous
NODE_PERM_EDIT_GATEWAY_ID (User is allowed to change the gateway id of this node) sur Node: Tous
SecurityException a été lancée dans /var/www/clients/client2/web6/web/classes/Security.php, ligne 209 #0 /var/www/clients/client2/web6/web/classes/Security.php(179): Security::handleMissingPermissions(Array) #1 /var/www/clients/client2/web6/web/classes/Node.php(484): Security::requireAnyPermission(Array) #2 /var/www/clients/client2/web6/web/login/index.php(152): Node::getStealOrCreateNewUI('ArollesB_1') #3 {main}